Monday, June 13, 2011

Hey Viewers

Hello! I know its been a while. And I will be honest, I don't go on the computer for all that long anymore. Usually just to check my facebook and emails. But I will say now what has been going on with me! So, I have been accepted to Lakehead University, and I will be attending this fall. :) I plan to register for my classes on July 11, and am already packing for the move to Thunder Bay! Also, next week Cole and I graduate! His grad is on June 23 and mine is June 24. Its going to be one busy week. I have a mani/pedi with my mom on the 22 and Cole's birthday that day too. Then its Cole's grad and a small party after with his fam. Then its my grad, with a big party afterwards at my house with my guests and some people who couldnt make it to the grad. Then on the 25 its Cole's grad/birthday party with all his family and friends! Haha so I'm going to be very tired by the end of the week. Oh and on the 26th before sunrise, Cole and I are driving down to the beach with some blankets, stuff for breakfast, and coffee, and sitting on the beach making breaky while watching the sun rise! It's going to be amazing. And hopefully that day we will be going to Highwind Lake for a couple days before Staff Training starts at camp and before summer starts. :) I am so excited for it! Anyways, talk to you all later.